Author Archives: Stacey

Side Effects of Pitocin

There are a lot of side effects to artificially inducing labor. Today I learned a few of the newer discoveries regarding the causes of some these side effects. For example trouble with breast feeding can be a problem in artificially induced mothers. This is the reason I read about today:  “One of the anticipated effects is… Continue Reading

Home Births on the Rise

Recently statistics are pointing out that home birth is on the rise for the first time in at least 14 years… On the rise but still under 1% The fact of the matter is more and more people are taking control of their own lives and for some people that means planning for a home… Continue Reading


Everyone likes free right? I just received an email regarding free screenings and I thought I would pass it along! “We are excited to announce two very special FREE events happening this Monday, March 5!  At 6pm Pacific, we will be holding an online virtual screening of “Special Deliveries: Celebrity Mothers Talk Straight on Birth,”… Continue Reading

Classroom Edition

Today I learned that the makers of The Business of Being Born are releasing a classroom edition of their original film. This will take the important information from the original film and condense it into a 30 minute film to be shown in a classroom. The goal of this new version is to spark interest in empowered… Continue Reading

Placenta Consumption?

When I say placenta consumption what image comes into your mind? Slow cooked tender and juicy? Yeah I didn’t so.  The idea is pretty foreign to most westerners, but did you know that every mammal (besides humans) actually eats the placenta after birth? Turns out the placenta is packed full of nutrients which are beneficial to women… Continue Reading

Movie Review: Pregnant in America

My kind words are that I felt like this movie had some valuable information in it. Overall my biggest complaint about the film is simply bad luck in timing. This film was released the same year as The Business of Being Born just several months later. That rendered basically all of the content of the… Continue Reading

Delayed Cord Clamping

It seems the knowledge is spreading well. Delayed cord clamping has proven benefits that many healthcare providers are becoming aware of. Still not everyone knows yet. Be sure and make sure your OB or Midwife is on board with delayed cord clamping. There’s absolutely nothing to lose and so much to gain! Check out… Continue Reading

Natural Approach to Cesarean

There are a lot of things about a C- section that are not ideal for mother and baby. Most C-sections can be avoided if the labor and delivery are handled properly. Still there are times when the health of mother or baby really does warrant the need for surgical intervention. So then are these woman… Continue Reading