Movie Review: Pregnant in America

My kind words are that I felt like this movie had some valuable information in it. Overall my biggest complaint about the film is simply bad luck in timing. This film was released the same year as The Business of Being Born just several months later. That rendered basically all of the content of the film unoriginal. Since the makers of The Business of Being Born presented the information first and in a higher quality way, they make Pregnant in America just look forgettable .

I didn’t necessarily agree with every single point that was made in the film. I believe there is a middle ground that the film maker (and star of the movie) simply did not cover. It felt like a low budget documentary because it was one. Still I have to give him credit for taking a message he cared about and doing something about it. I also like that the film is available for viewing for free on hulu (and thus my blog). I still say give it a watch if  it’s news to you that the maternity system is America is among the worst of all the developed nations.