Side Effects of Pitocin

There are a lot of side effects to artificially inducing labor. Today I learned a few of the newer discoveries regarding the causes of some these side effects. For example trouble with breast feeding can be a problem in artificially induced mothers. This is the reason I read about today:  “One of the anticipated effects is a desensitization of the oxytocin breast receptors. Let us recall that the milk ejection reflex is under the control of the oxytocin system.” It makes perfect sense really Oxytocin controls milk let down and pitocin interferes with oxytocin. Think twice before you sign up for pitocin. Here is the link to the actual post I read.

Other side effects not mentioned are stronger longer contractions. These stronger contractions never let the uterus relax completely and therefore the placenta never completely fills it’s oxygen cells for baby. This often leads to the need for an epidural to handle the more difficult contractions. The lack of oxygen to baby can lead to fetal distress which is cause for many other interventions potentially including a cesarean section.

This is not an exhaustive exploration of of Pitocin side effects but it does give you an idea. If you want to avoid pitocin induction hire a doula and they will help you try and induce labor naturally if the need arises. A doula will also help you know if a suggested induction is medically necessary  or not so that you can be confident in you’re decision to be induced or not.