Your Body is Not a Lemon

With the cesarean section rate hovering right around 33% in the US, one can’t help but wonder if there is something wrong with the women in our country. Have we really reached a point in history where 1 out of every 3 of us is no longer capable of giving birth vaginally like women have… Continue Reading

Guerrilla Midwife

This movie looks like something I would like doesn’t it? I haven’t seen it yet but when I do I’ll let you know what I think. If you’ve seen it tell me what you thought and if you haven’t, watch the trailer and tell me if you think you would enjoy it. Continue Reading

Midwife or Obstetrician?

As a doula in Utah I get a lot of question about doctors at birth, but many American woman don’t know that they can hire someone besides an OB for their pregnancy. Those who have heard of midwives often believe misconceptions that midwives are for hippies who want to birth naturally in a barn. The… Continue Reading

DIY Baby Wrap

As a doula in Utah and a mother of two, I try to know about the what’s and why’s of parenting trends. Baby wearing is growing in popularity and with good reason. It has many benefits such as: Baby’s head shape stays normal Babies cry less Closeness is good for babies mental and emotional development… Continue Reading

Times Breastfeeding Cover

I LOVED this article so much I just had to share it! Since I asked what you all thought of the Time Magazine cover in my last post I just have to share with you what this writer for Mothering Magazine thought. A great read! Click here. Continue Reading


Being a DONA certified Doula in Utah means staying up to date on my breastfeeding knowledge. Last Saturday I took a 3.5 hour course on the very subject and wanted to share a few tidbits of fun information on the subject. A mother who had a doula at her birth is 30% more likely to… Continue Reading

Rooming In

 Did you know that there is significant evidence supporting the benefits of keeping mother and baby together after birth. Our obsession with shipping our BRAND NEW babies off to a nursery full of babies to be cared for a by a bunch of strangers is NOT evidence based at all. I did not know this… Continue Reading