Orgasmic Birth

Have you heard of Orgasmic Birth? Can it be? YES! It is totally possible! I don’t think that every woman who says I will have an orgasm during the delivery of my child is guaranteed to have one but the main point is that birth does not have to be associated with agony. I completely agree that… Continue Reading

Rally Success

I really enjoyed being with so many wonderful people at the Labor Day Rally. It was fun to show my support for evidence based birth. There were some people who believed that this rally was somehow an attack on doctors and hospitals but it wasn’t. It was meant to bring awareness to the fact that… Continue Reading


When I tell people that I am a doula, the number one response I get is, “So like a midwife?” So let me clarify, No I am not a midwife. Let me explain. While there are different types of training involved in becoming a midwife, generally a midwife is a highly trained, highly skilled medical… Continue Reading