Monthly Archives: April 2012

Rooming In

 Did you know that there is significant evidence supporting the benefits of keeping mother and baby together after birth. Our obsession with shipping our BRAND NEW babies off to a nursery full of babies to be cared for a by a bunch of strangers is NOT evidence based at all. I did not know this with my first and was told that it would be easier to sleep if I sent the baby away. Studies have shown otherwise and I can also admit that I did NOT sleep well without my baby.

This is on my mind thanks to a great article I read today that I wanted to share. You can read it here and you should!
I liked this quote a lot… “We know too much for this to be happening. We’ve known for decades now. Mamas and babies are biologically, emotionally, psychologically, and hormonally intertwined in the hours and days after birth, in ways that affect them both for years to come.”