Tag Archives: What is a doula


When I tell people that I am a doula, the number one response I get is, “So like a midwife?” So let me clarify, No I am not a midwife. Let me explain.

doula midwifeWhile there are different types of training involved in becoming a midwife, generally a midwife is a highly trained, highly skilled medical care provider who will preform all of your prenatal examinations and make sure that you and your baby are healthy. A midwife takes care of all the medical aspects of a birth. She (or he) monitors the baby’s heart rate during labor and watches for any signs of distress. She (or he) is the one who catches the baby and helps him out if needed. A midwife is also trained in numbing and stitching in the case of a tear.


Put simply, a Midwife is in charge of the MEDICAL side of pregnancy, labor, and delivery.


doula midwife
A (birth) doula also has different ways to train and be certified but her skills are meant to compliment and not be the same as the skills of a midwife. A doula will help educate you on what to expect and help you figure out what you want from your birth experience. She will be ever present during your labor and delivery and be a constant voice of reassurance. A doula will help you get comfortable in labor and keep you focused on your goals. She is also there to be your advocate and keep you informed about your options.

Put simply, a doula is there to be your physical and emotional support. She is your advocate and constant source information during pregnancy, labor, and delivery.

Hope that helps!